Myofuntional Therapy/Myobrace


Crooked teeth have little to do with inheritance and everything to do with incorrect breathing, swallowing and lip function, also known as poor myofucntional habits. These are the major cause of poor jaw development and tooth alignment.

Myofunctional therapy is type of physical therapy to improve: 1) breathing, 2) swallowing and 3) lip function…The Big 3. Myofunctional therapy can be effectively incorporated for children and adults and can be integrated into a simple, painless, daily routine.

Myofunctional therapy is essential for successful orthopedic-orthodontic treatment outcomes in both children and adults.

Myobrace® – Straight teeth without braces

The Myobrace® System is preventive pre-orthodontic treatment that focuses on addressing the underlying causes of crooked teeth, unlocking natural growth and development. Treatment is best suited to children aged 5-10 and involves using a series of removable intra-oral appliances that are worn for 1-2 hours each day plus overnight while sleeping.

Actual Myobrace® Patient

What Myobrace® Does:

  • Corrects poor oral habits
  • Develops & aligns the jaws
  • Straightens the teeth
  • Improves facial development
  • Improves overall health

Myobrace® Helps Children:

  • Breathe through the nose
  • Correct tongue resting position
  • Swallow correctly
  • Keep the lips together

Using the Myobrace® system for only 1 to 2 hours a day, and while sleeping, your child can achieve naturally straight teeth…for life.

Dr. Simmons is one of the few Myobrace® certified providers in the U.S. For more information, or to schedule an exam that will determine if Myobrace® is an option for your child, call 206-682-3399 or Click Here.

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Call our office today to learn more about our diagnostic and treatment approach, to determine if they are right for your condition.

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509 Olive Way, #1451
Seattle, WA 98101

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